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You're safe now.

Welcome, to the Secret Society For Illiterate Teens (code name SSFIT). Here at our base, we operate through the secret tunnels of the internet to rescue teenagers from the claws of organised crime. What organised crime you ask? Who’s organised crime? Do I really need saving?

Yes you do. This dangerous organisation I speak of is code named TTWTE, The Teachers Who Teach English. You look should be. These people work in secret, disguising themselves as ordinary citizens by night. By day, they kidnap young teenagers just like you and force upon them their weapons of mass destruction.

What weapons, you ask? Unprecedented in their power to destroy, they are the essays, the narratives and the poems. Yes, they are terrifying.

At our base, we rehabilitate teens that have been mentally damaged by their ordeals with TTWTE, whilst also training teens that have yet to be captured, in the hopes that they will be able to combat these weapons when the time comes.

The recent waves of TTWTE have been using ‘American Literature’ ammunition. We have prepared a series of classified files that will help you understand these ‘American Literature’ bullets, which have been created from ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ iron, and ‘Death of A Salesman’, copper. Read well, and good luck.

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